GB/T 1873-1995 Translated English of Chinese Standard. (GBT 1873-1995, GB/T1873-1995, GBT1873-1995): Phosphate rock and concentrate - Determination of silicon dioxide content - Gravimetric and volumetric methods [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"]This Standard specifies the determination of silicon dioxide content by perchloric acid dehydration gravimetric method. This Standard applies to the determination of silicon dioxide content that is greater than 1 % in phosphate rock and concentrate products. |
3 | |
Scope | 4 |
Sample | 5 |
Expression of analysis results | 6 |
7 | |
Method summary | 8 |
Sample | 9 |
Expression of analysis results | 10 |
Common terms and phrases
250 mL polyethylene acid dehydration gravimetric ADD 10 mL ADJUST with sodium AFPC beaker wall blank test blue-phenol red Boric acid bromothymol BURN at 950 Chemical Mine Design chloride-ethanol washing solution color turns bright COVER the watch crucible after hydrofluoric crucible and turn dehydration gravimetric method Design and Research determination of silicon ethanol GB/T 679 Expression of analysis filter paper g of potassium Grade 3 water high temperature furnace high-temperature Hydrochloric acid solution hydrofluoric acid treatment hydroxide GB/T 629 hydroxide standard titration mass of precipitation Ministry of Chemical mL of ethanol mL of hydrochloric mL of water mL polyethylene beaker mol/L nitric acid 12.4 phenol phosphate rock platinum crucible pm test sieve potassium chloride 12.5 Potassium chloride-ethanol washing Potassium hydroxide precipitation and platinum results The silicon silicic acid silicon dioxide content Silver nitrate Sodium hydroxide GB/T sodium hydroxide standard standard titration solution Sulfuric acid titration solution 12.9 watch glass water in GB/T